Kim Il Sung Square, A Grand Square of Celebrations and Parades

Kim Il Sung Square, Chungsong Dong, Tongsin 3 Dong, Pyongyang, Central District, Pyongyang, North Korea
Imitation of Tiananmen Square


Kim Il-sung Square is one of the largest squares in North Korea, located on the banks of the Taedong River in the center of Pyongyang. With an area of 75,000 square meters, it is the 16th largest square in the world. The square was built in 1954 and showcases the core democratic values pursued by the Pyongyang regime. It serves as the central venue for important celebrations and commemorative activities of the North Korean government, with portraits of Kim Il-sung, Marx, and Lenin hanging from the surrounding buildings. In addition, Kim Il-sung Square is also a venue for political, cultural, and social events, including military parades and rallies. Many foreign visitors to North Korea come here to observe, and the square often appears in foreign TV documentaries related to North Korea.
Kim Il Sung Square, Chungsong Dong, Tongsin 3 Dong, Pyongyang, Central District, Pyongyang, North Korea