Mandalay Hill, A Spiritual Ascent to Breathtaking Sunsets

The south entrance is located at the intersection of 10th Street and Mandalay Hill Street A
The temples at the foot of the mountain are all very good


Mandalay Hill is located in the northern part of Mandalay city, close to Mandalay Palace. It is the highest hill in the city, standing at an altitude of 236 meters. According to legend, more than 2,000 years ago, Buddha Shakyamuni preached Buddhism here and was highly respected by many believers. Many famous temples and monasteries, such as Sandamuni Paya, Kuthodaw Paya, Atumashi Kyaung, Shwenandaw Kyaung and Kyauktawgyi Paya, are located along the foot of the mountain. To climb Mandalay Hill, you need to climb more than 1,700 steps, and along the way, there is a temple that houses three of Buddha's relics. At the middle of the mountain, there is a gilded Stupa statue called Shweyattaw, which points towards the Mandalay Palace. At the top of the hill, there is an Indian temple formed by many arched pillars surrounding a long corridor. All the walls and pillars are covered with glass, shining in the sunlight. The middle wall of the temple reads "The person who wants to live long life should be sheltered by the shade of the Mandalay Hill". You can have an unobstructed view of Mandalay city from the top of the hill, and it is also an ideal location for watching sunrise and sunset.
The south entrance is located at the intersection of 10th Street and Mandalay Hill Street A
Opening hours
Taxi from downtown to here costs around 2000K-5000K, while taking a tuk-tuk from the palace would cost around 1000K and a taxi would cost around 2000K.