Mt. Kinabalu, A spiritual journey to the peak of Southeast Asia

Mt Kinabalu National Park
The hot spring at the foot of the mountain is great


Mount Kinabalu in the Shen Shan Park, also known as Widow Mountain or Sacred Mountain, has an elevation of 4,095 meters and is the fifth-highest peak in Southeast Asia. It is also the highest peak between the Himalayas and New Guinea. Its name comes from the language of the local Kadazan people, "Aki Nabalu", meaning "the revered place of the dead". The mountain boasts diverse flora and fauna and beautiful scenery. In recent years, the mountain trail has been repaired, making climbing more convenient and accessible without special training. The entire journey is 14.5 kilometers, and there are guesthouses halfway up the mountain for accommodation. Tourists can come in the summer for a cool vacation or in the winter to soak in hot springs. At an altitude of over 1,500 meters, there is also an ecological botanical garden on the mountain.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


Free parking
Park by the roadside
Mt Kinabalu National Park
You can take a bus from the long distance bus terminal at Merdeka Field, and discuss the drop-off point with the driver or ticket seller. The fare is 15 Malaysian Ringgit per person. Alternatively, you can take a taxi from the taxi stand next to Merdeka Field, with a price of 160 Malaysian Ringgit per car.