Tirta Empul Temple, Purify your soul in the sacred springs

Tirta Empul Temple, Manukaya, Tampaksiring
According to legend, bathing in the spring water in the pool can cure all kinds of illnesses


The name of the Shengquan Temple originates from the fact that it is built on an underground spring. This spring constantly gushes out clear water, which flows into a large pool from over a dozen different water outlets. Each outlet represents a different Hindu deity. Worshipers believe that by burying their heads in the flowing water, they can receive the protection of the gods and rid themselves of physical ailments. In addition, there is a legend that says a king's heir had few children, so he often came here to bathe and get baptized, and then prayed to the deities in the temple.
Tirta Empul Temple, Manukaya, Tampaksiring