Daisyoin, A Sanctuary of Serenity and Ancient Statues

Daishoin Temple, Misen Climbing Path Daishoin Course, Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima, Japan


Daisho-in is a head temple of Shingon Omuro sect located in Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, with the mountain name of Mt. Takisan. This temple, also known as Daisho-in Mizuhoji Temple, is one of the oldest temples in Miyajima's history. In addition to holding ritual events as a separate hall of Itsukushima Shrine, it is also a temple with numerous Buddhist statues including the Eleven-faced Kannon Bodhisattva, the Fudo Myoo of the Chokugen-do main statue, the Sanki-Daikoku-gen, Seven Deities of Good Fortune, and Ichigan Daishi. Moreover, it is also a popular spot for autumn leaves viewing.
Daishoin Temple, Misen Climbing Path Daishoin Course, Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima, Japan