Tianluokeng Tulou Cluster, A timeless architectural marvel amidst nature

Tianluokeng, Shuyang Town, Nanjing County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province
The structure of each earthen building is different


-The classic Tulou-style architecture in Fujian features four circular buildings surrounding a square building, often jokingly referred to as "four dishes and one soup." A famous architect described it in poetry as "overlooking it resembles a blooming flower, from the side it is like the Potala Palace." -Tianluokeng has various ways to enjoy its beauty, with different angles offering unique perspectives. From a bird's eye view, a panoramic view, or looking up, one can appreciate a 360-degree view of the scenery. -The observation deck is the most classic viewing point, offering a complete view of "four dishes and one soup" from atop the mountain. -The interior of the Tulou buildings are mostly commercialized, with vendors occupying the first floor and some offering accommodation services on the upper floors.
Tianluokeng, Shuyang Town, Nanjing County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:00 (All day) (January 1 to December 31, Monday to Sunday)
Take a train to Nanjing Railway Station, and then take a tourist bus outside the station. The bus departs once an hour, costs 20 yuan per person, and takes 1.5 hours. Alternatively, you can go to Nanjing Bus Station and take the Tulou Express for 20 yuan per person. Or you can charter a car for about 40 yuan per person.