Zili Village, A Pastoral Symphony of East Meets West

Zili Village, Chikan Ancient Town, Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province
On both sides are emerald green fields extending outward


The village of Zili is characterized by its pleasant pastoral scenery, with green rice fields standing on either side of winding roads. The refreshing scent of rice drifts in the breeze, and the village and fields complement each other in harmony. Scattered amidst the green waves are a few gray watchtowers or homes, tranquil and beautiful like a painting. Additionally, many movies set in the Republic of China era have chosen to film here, such as "Let the Bullets Fly," etc. Considering Kaiping's history as a town plagued by bandits, the movies fit perfectly with this small city.
Zili Village, Chikan Ancient Town, Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province
Opening hours
08:40-17:25 (all day) (January 1st - December 31st, Monday-Sunday)
Take a minibus passing through Zili Village at Kaiping Long-distance Bus Station.