Wutai Mountain Scenic Area - Dai Lao Ding, A Pilgrimage of Wisdom and Devotion

Wutai Mountain Scenic Area, Taihuai Town, Wutai County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, China
Temples in Wutai Mountain are all built on the mountain slopes


Dailuo Peak, located east of the central temple group in Taihuai Town, is a temple dedicated to Manjusri Bodhisattva. Visitors can walk or take a cable car to reach the peak, usually choosing a path called "Dazhi Road," which is about 500 meters long and has 1080 steps. Believers believe that those who walk this path to wisdom will become intelligent and increase their wisdom. Standing at the bottom of the mountain and looking up, you can see a small mountain halfway up the mountain. The mountain gate and plaque of the temple are on the summit, often shrouded in clouds and mist. This small mountain shaped like a large snail is called Dailuo Peak, also known as Dailuo Temple. It is an ancient temple originally named Foding An, built in the Ming Dynasty during the Chenghua period. In the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1750), there was a royal stele at Dailuo Peak. Dailuo Peak gathers the five kinds of statues of Manjusri Bodhisattva's five platforms, so it is also called "Small Morning Platform." In midsummer, the mountain is lush and green, presenting a beautiful scene.
Wutai Mountain Scenic Area, Taihuai Town, Wutai County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, China
Opening hours
07:30-18:30 (Monday-Sunday from January 1st to December 31st) Note: The cable car is closed from December to February.
"The attraction is located within the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area. There are several ways to get to Wutai Mountain: By bus: take the bus from Taiyuan Passenger Transport East Station to Wutai Mountain. By train: there are trains from Taiyuan Station to Wutai Mountain Station, which is about 54 kilometers away from the scenic area in Shahe Town, Fanshi County. There are buses to Taihuai Town in front of the train station. To get to Dailuo Peak: 1. After arriving in Taihuai Town, take a sightseeing bus (tickets and admission fees sold together) to the foot of Dailuo Peak. Then, climb the mountain along the stone steps. This route, also called "Dazhi Road", has over 1,000 stairs and takes about 40-70 minutes depending on your physical ability. 2. There is also a walking trail on the north slope, which is less steep but longer than the previous route."