Laobian Ditch, A paradise of enchanting autumn foliage

Dongyingfang Township, Benxi Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City, Liaoning Province
In autumn, go to see the red leaves covering the mountains


Laobian Gou is located 65 kilometers south of a small county town and consists of three major scenic spots: Yonggao River, Shizhenpo, and Wanxiang Valley. Here, a paradise on earth is built between beauty and richness, ancientness and modernity, wonder and colorfulness. Mountains overlap and water flows, and it is famous for its colorful maple leaves. Here, visitors can see spring mountain flowers dancing, forming an ocean of blooming flowers; in the autumn, the maple forest is like a raging fire, creating a world of red leaves. The cool and pleasant summers and less cold winters make it the most suitable place for human survival. The longevity of the residents of Laobian Gou is due to the pleasant climate, abundant resources, clean mountains and rivers, and beautiful scenery. This is the ideal destination for tourists' sightseeing and leisure entertainment throughout the year, especially in October when it becomes a holy land for photography enthusiasts and an artist's paradise. A violinist describes Laobian Gou as "entering Laobian Gou, surrounded by mountains and water; enjoying the picturesque scenery, not willing to leave; the wonder is like a fairyland, and thoughts extend to the sky; immersed in a leisurely place, increasing longevity."
Dongyingfang Township, Benxi Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City, Liaoning Province
Opening hours
07:30-17:00 (all day)
last admission: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday, April 20-October 31)
Self-driving: 1. Shenyang-Shendan Expressway-Benxi-Benhuan Highway-Xiaoshi-Tianshifu-Jianchang-Nanyingfang Village-Lao Bian Gou. 2. Dalian-Dandan Expressway-Dandong-Shendan Expressway-Caohekou-Lanhuayu-Nanyingfang Village-Lao Bian Gou. 3. Dalian-Shenda Expressway-Liaoyang-Benliao Highway-Qiaotou-Shendan Expressway-Benxi-Benhuan Highway-Xiaoshi-Tianshifu-Jianchang-Jiandongfang Village-Nanyingfang Village-Lao Bian Gou. 4. Dandong-Kuandian-Guanshui-Aiyang-Wendong-Tiechang Highway-Lanhuayu-Nanyingfang Village-Lao Bian Gou.