Must-try activities around Budapest

It takes several days to fully explore the capital of Hungary, but besides Budapest, the beautiful attractions around it are also worth a visit. The most popular one-day trip destination is the Danube Bend, where the scenery is beautiful and visitors can visit medieval castles and historic towns. There are many other tourist attractions within an hour or an hour and a half's drive from Budapest, including the former imperial palace of Austria-Hungary, rows of wine cellars offering tempting food and delicious wine, a large film studio, and the filming location of Hollywood blockbusters.

Gedler Palace and Hautvamp Palace

Gödöllő Palace, located 30 kilometers from Budapest, is a suitable destination for family tourism. Visitors can take a stroll in the park and explore the interior decoration of the palace, including the rare European Baroque-style theater. This Baroque-style palace was a coronation gift from the Kingdom of Hungary to the Austrian Emperor, King of Hungary, and King of Bohemia, Franz Joseph I, and his wife Empress Elisabeth (also known as Sisi). It became Empress Elisabeth's favorite Hungarian palace. From Budapest to the palace, you can take a suburban train or an old-fashioned steam train. The old steam train can take passengers to Gödöllő Royal Train Station, where the royal couple used to wait for trains. In the City Museum, you can enjoy an interactive exhibition on the city's history or visit the works of the Gödöllő Artists' Colony, one of the most important art movements in the area. Hontvara, located near Gödöllő, is another location for Grassalkovich Palace and currently houses a hunting museum with various interactive activities. In the entertainment area, visitors can go hunting on a platform that simulates a forest environment. There are also nearby wildlife parks and petting zoos. The Hontvara Lajos Museum, located opposite the palace, is not only the center of Hungarian avant-garde artists but also houses a microbrewery.


Eger is located 28 kilometers from the capital and can be reached by suburban bus. Since the mid-1960s, this area has gradually become a vineyard region of Budapest. It is currently a popular destination for wine and food enthusiasts. Whenever you visit, you can definitely find an open winery on Eger's gourmet walking street. Winemakers warmly welcome visitors and offer wine tastings, and you can also visit cheese factories, ham factories, and even handmade chocolate workshops to taste the craftsmanship of the producers.

Korda Film Studio

Enter the suburban Kodak film studio, many blockbuster movies have been filmed here. It is the filming location of The Martian starring Matt Damon and other famous films and TV dramas. In the visitor exhibition center, you can catch a glimpse of every detail of film production and stroll through virtual scenes of New York streets and Renaissance cities. If you want a deeper experience of the charm of the film world, you can participate in various interactive activities.


Arriving at Moultonton Watershawa located in the south of Eject, visitors can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of British life. There are Brunswick Castle in Tudor style and authentic English gardens. The museum here commemorates the famous musician Beethoven, who was once a frequent guest of this castle.


In Latskewei, tourists can not only enjoy the charming natural scenery, but also experience the quiet life of the town. The local residents are hospitable and the cultural heritage of the town is also charming. As the only Gothic Eastern Orthodox church in Serbia's Hungarian heritage, it is located here. The renovated water mill on the Danube River is now one of the special museums in the area. Visitors can grind their own flour and buy locally made flour. Water markets are held every Wednesday and Saturday along the Danube River bank, where you can taste local delicacies and explore the natural marshes and uninhabited islands on the "Little Danube" boat. The last stop is the local Aqualand spa, which has a four-lane swimming pool and offers natural hot springs at a temperature of 38 degrees.

Hungaroring Circuit in Hungary

The Hungarian F1 circuit is located in Mogyoród, north of Budapest. Here, you can experience the thrill of speed. Enjoy the excitement of professional racing simulations, or test drive cars or motorcycles on the track. Starting from March every year, the outdoor kart racing track is open to motorcycle enthusiasts, where they can show off their skills and take on the challenge of speed and passion.

Water park (Aquarena)

If you visit Majalede in summer, don't forget to go to Aquarena, the largest water park in Hungary, to experience the joy of playing in the water.