Must-visit attractions in Mauritius

Mauritius Attractions Overview As the most comprehensive island in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius is home to hundreds of attractions, large and small. There are countless places to visit, but vacation time is typically limited. So, how do you choose the right attractions in limited time?

The Notre Dame Cathedral is a church built by the French and is well-known in Mauritius for its iconic red roof. The church features intricate wooden structures and a large shell-shaped holy water basin, which are very striking. Situated by the seaside, the church is beautifully captivating with its red roof against the blue sky and white clouds, attracting many visitors for sightseeing and photography. It has become one of the most common attractions in Mauritius, aside from the Seven Colored Earths, featured on postcards.

Selfe Island

Pure and delicate white sand beaches, wide and calm waters, and blue, crystal-clear sea water make the "Paradise Islands" a must-visit destination in Mauritius! This is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts, with shallow beaches that stretch up to one hundred meters, allowing even non-swimmers to get up close and personal with the ocean. There are also water sports activities available for those who are more adventurous, so come and experience it for yourself!
Blue Bay is located in the southeast of Mauritius, near the airport, and is named for its connection between the water and the sky along with the blue color of both. It is also a public beach with beautiful blue-colored water and fine sand. On weekends, people in Mauritius come here with their families to spend a leisurely day. With a glass-bottom boat, you can float on the water and see the colorful corals and schools of fish at the bottom of the sea through the glass bottom of the boat, and even lucky enough to see sea turtles. Blue Bay is also a holy place for snorkeling, with shallow water areas of 2-4 meters in depth, large areas of corals, schools of fish, and clear water that provides an unforgettable snorkeling experience. Services such as going out to sea, snorkeling, glass-bottom boats, and island hopping can also be purchased on the beach.

Dolphin Bay

Dolphin Bay is located in Tamarin, a small town on the west coast of Mauritius surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery. If you want to go out to sea in Mauritius, the greatest joy is to see dolphins. Mauritius is one of the best places in the world for close-up encounters with spinner dolphins. To see dolphins, you must ride a speedboat and turn around or follow them as soon as they are discovered, so you can see them up close. Spinner dolphins are the most common type of dolphin, and these gray little guys live in warm water and are named for their elongated snouts. They swim very fast, with the general swimming speed of dolphins ranging from 5 to 11 kilometers per hour and a top speed of up to 35 kilometers per hour. However, if they maintain high speeds, it can only be sustained for a short time. Spinner dolphins breathe through the blowhole on top of their heads, so they have to surface every 5 to 8 minutes to breathe.

Coloured Earths

Seven Colored Earth, or soil of seven different colors, is formed by chemical changes in volcanic lava after exposure to sunlight. It is a signature natural landscape of Mauritius and a must-visit for tourists. Located in Chamarel town in the southwest mountain region, within the Black River Gorges National Park. Upon entering the park by car and passing Chamarel Waterfall, visitors can see the naturally formed wavy colorful soils. This enclosed park requires a ticket for entry and features a central fenced area with the colorful soil, as well as two viewing platforms on either side of the slope for visitors to take photos and enjoy panoramic views. The left viewing platform also has a restaurant and souvenir shop.

Casela Nature Park

The park is located on the west coast of Mauritius Island, is an excellent soil where nature can be approached, and is a large wildlife park that can fully showcase the African style. The park has a large number of birds and rare animals such as giant turtles. With the contrast of African-style vegetation and scenery, it is like a "miniature version of Kenya". An experience that should not be missed in Mauritius is "walking with lions" in the Casela Nature Park. With the accompaniment of professional personnel, you can experience the thrilling excitement of walking side by side with the king of the jungle, and even play together in creeks and grasslands, performing a real-life version of "Tarzan". Afterward, you will be awarded a brave certificate as a souvenir.
The natural bridge is a huge black reef rock that has been naturally formed by the impact of seawater, spanning the southern rocky coastline. Surging waves rush in from the outside, and the rolling sea water creates countless scattered white pearls of foam. Standing on the edge of the rock, it feels like standing on the "edge of the wind and waves", very exciting and indescribably exhilarating. Hurry up and go!

Battery Hill

Fortress Hill is located in the center of Louis Port, and from the top of the hill, you can overlook the entire city. The fort on the mountain is named Adelaide Castle, built between 1834-1840. The castle was named after the wife of King William IV of England, and its main purpose was to prevent the rebellion against the slave system. The castle was abandoned for many years and became a ruin, but it was renovated in the 1990s.
"Place Vendôme" is the shopping center of Louis Port, which gathers all kinds of shops. Here you can buy clothing, skincare products, and local souvenirs. There is a L'Occitane store here, which is relatively cheap, but the most cost-effective are the postcards. After writing, there is a nearby post office, which is very convenient. There is an area in the center of the square, set up with colorful umbrellas, which is the famous attraction here. Many tourists will take pictures here. You can buy some crafts here as souvenirs, but be sure to bargain hard.