A pilgrimage to Sikhism's holy sites

Amritsar is a border city in the northwest of Punjab, India, and it is also a religious center for Sikhism. The Golden Temple in Amritsar is considered a holy place for Sikhs. It not only houses the Sikh scriptures but also has a free kitchen that operates 24 hours a day, where people of all religions, whether they are Indian or foreigners, can have meals for free.

Every day, people flock to the Golden Temple to enjoy a free meal, and the Sikh volunteers who serve them admirably are truly inspiring. We spent over 3 hours at the Golden Temple, and when leaving the temple, someone will sprinkle holy water on your head. Near the exit, they distribute sacred meals, which appear to be a mixture of sticky rice, oil, and sugar. They will scoop a small portion of it directly into your hands.
Jallianwala Bagh is located in the city center, next to shops selling drinks and daggers. It is the site of the infamous "Amritsar massacre". Here, we saw the buildings with bullet holes from that time, the well that swallowed the lives of the innocent, the memorial for the victims, and the eternal "flame of freedom".

Flag-lowering ceremony at the India-Pakistan border

The India-Pakistan border is located 30 kilometers west of Amritsar. Every evening before sunset, the military forces of both countries will meet at the border for a flag-lowering ceremony, which lasts for about 20 minutes. From a bus stop near the Amritsar temple, it takes about 1 hour and costs around 12 rupees to reach Attari Village. Then, a three-wheeler motorbike can be taken to the border for approximately 15 rupees. Alternatively, a direct motorbike ride from Amritsar to Attari Village costs around 200 rupees.