Chongqing photo cheat sheet, teaching you how to take photos all over Chongqing

Someone says that Chongqing is one of the most suitable cities for photography in China. This is because both its cultural and natural scenery are excellent. So, what are some not-to-be-missed photo spots in Chongqing? Let's take a look to find out.

I want to go to Chongqing. No one will refuse to visit Jiefangbei. It is a landmark building where countless tourists take photos every day. Jiefangbei used to be an important carrier of Chongqing's history and culture, and today it has become Chongqing's CBD, supporting its past and future.
After arriving in Chongqing, everyone likes to go to Hongya Cave at night. When the whole Hongya Cave is brightly lit, it is also the liveliest time. Countless tourists come here to play cards and eat while taking pictures, which is a common scene. This is one of the most popular photography spots in Chongqing, but I suggest you stay away from it. Only by keeping a distance can you fully appreciate its beauty.

Gate of Heavenly Purity

Chongqing's riverside atmosphere mainly comes from the docks. But the most well-known part of it is Chaotianmen. Here, you can not only enjoy the unbeatable river views by taking a ferry, but also catch a glimpse of the beautiful "Jia Ma Water" from the shore. Walking on the dock, you can hear the cries of vendors and the restless sound of the river, as if taking people back to the spectacular scene of Chongqing's bustling waterfront in the past.

Xiahaozheng Street

This street is like a mysterious existence. Xiaohaozheng Street in Nan'an, Chongqing is an ancient street with no traces of excessive development. People chat on the street and buy daily necessities from the small shops at the street corner, just as it has been for many years. Now the number of residents here is decreasing, and I don't know when it will become another Eighteen Ladders. So take the chance to capture it.
In the eyes of Chongqing people, escalators are also considered a form of transportation. As a city with more slopes than flat roads, it is difficult to achieve a toned buttocks in Chongqing. Therefore, Chongqing people have utilized their extraordinary wisdom and transformed elevators, originally designed for high-rise buildings, into a mode of transportation.

The Yangtze River cable car

The Yangtze River Cableway can be said to be a representative transportation method in Chongqing. Locals use it as a means of transportation, while tourists see it as a travel artifact. In a small cable car cabin, filled with passengers coming and going, you can immerse yourself in the magnificent view of the river by paying just 10 yuan.