Popular and less-known places near Xi'an, come and see what there is

If you are interested in visiting Xi'an for immersive travel or prefer less touristy and more leisurely activities, then this guide can help you.

Broom palm

Boji Zhang Village is located near Xinghuagu in Huaxu Town, north of Lantian County, Xi'an City, 2.5 kilometers away from the Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway. This place is surrounded by ditches and backed by hills, resembling an upside-down dustpan, hence the name. Here, you can see the integration of the town and the villagers' lives, with neat rows of houses, wide cement roads, and murals on the walls, giving a sense of joy in the villagers' pursuit of a comfortable life.

Dihua Ancient Town

Dianfeng County, located on the banks of Danjiang in Shangluo City, was once the most important political, cultural, and commercial town on the ancient road. Various cultural forms such as the Spring and Autumn Period, the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the Song and Jin Dynasties, and the contemporary era have blended here. The great poet Bai Juyi from the Tang Dynasty visited Dihua Town three times and left the poem line "I have heard from afar about staying with brothers in dreams. It must be the famous Dihua Mountain post station."
Hancheng Ancient City retains its ancient charm and well-preserved layout, making it one of the six best-preserved Ming and Qing Dynasty ancient cities in China. The old city area is large, with a newly expanded commercial street in the front and old streets in the back. The living facilities are also complete, including surrounding primary and secondary schools, clinics, and shops, providing a leisurely and comfortable living environment for residents.

Zhongquan Ancient Town

The Zhengquan Folk Food Culture and Ancient City Scenic Area is located south of Sunzhen New District, Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province. It is built around the eight scenic spots of Pucheng, with the former residence of Yang Hucheng as its support. It is also an investment of Shaanxi Maweiyi Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd. This ancient city covers an area of over 100 acres. Although not large, it is exquisite. The surrounding old city wall is a quaint and ancient street.
Zhuge Ancient Town, located in Mian County, Hanzhong City, is a new city that combines leisure, entertainment, experience, and entertainment, with the unique Han culture represented by the Wuhou Tomb, Wuhou Shrine, and Dingjun Mountain.