When is the best time to visit Northeast China for the most enjoyable experience?

Winter belongs to the northeastern region. Specifically, when is the best time to visit the northeast? We have prepared a list of major winter events in the northeast, allowing you to fully enjoy the northeast without any regrets.

December Mohe Christmas Village

In a place 22 kilometers away from Beiji Village of Mohe, there is a group of modern wooden villas, which is the only Christmas village in Asia - Arctic Christmas Village. It mainly consists of European-style wooden buildings, including Santa's home, Christmas Square, Christmas Post Office, Christmas Gift Shop, Christmas Ski Resort, Reindeer Park, etc. This year, a Christmas church and Snow White's Paradise will be built, and Santa Claus from Finland will give you Christmas blessings.

January "Mirror Lake" winter fishing festival

The southern end of Mirror Lake has a beautiful name, called Xihu Hill, and locals also call it Nanhutou. As Mirror Lake is the widest part of the entire lake, and remains undeveloped and authentic, the annual Mirror Lake Fishing Festival is held here. You may have seen various types of fishing, but you have definitely never seen hundreds or thousands of people pulling up huge fishing nets on the frozen lake, enjoying the thrill of winter fishing in freshly dug ice holes. Catching a "fat-headed fish" weighing over twenty kilograms is an exhilarating experience that's absolutely mind-blowing.

January Chagan Lake Winter Fishing Festival

Chagan Lake is located in Qian Gorlos Mongolian Autonomous County in the northwest of Jilin Province, with a large number of carp, grass carp, and crucian carp. In winter, a large number of tourists come to Chagan Lake to witness the local fishermen's winter fishing activities and experience the charm of the last fishing and hunting tribe in northern China at close range. Every year from the end of December to mid-January (specific dates are uncertain), Chagan Lake's fishermen hold grand sacrificial activities to start the annual winter fishing. Amidst laughter and joy, more than a dozen Mongolian girls dressed in red ethnic costumes bring harvest blessings to the "fishermen"; priests wearing traditional chama costumes, wearing skull masks, and wielding knives and forks, express gratitude to the Heavenly Father, Earth Mother, and River God.

Harbin Ice and Snow World opens in January

Located on the north bank of the Songhua River (west of Sun Island) on Songbei Avenue in Harbin City, the "Ice and Snow World" is a unique ice and snow Disneyland created by the people of Harbin with their wisdom and courage. On January 5th of each year, the Ice and Snow World officially opens, with a two-month viewing period each year, making Harbin's ice sculptures even more precious. The large blocks of ice from the Songhua River are all one meter thick, and the huge blocks of ice are transformed into various sculptures in the hands of ice sculpting masters, shining brightly under the colorful lights.

February, Snow Town welcomes the new year

In fact, there is no exact name for Xue Xiang. The seven-month snow period makes people who have been here feel that this is the hometown of snow. It is located in Shuangfeng Forest Farm, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province, China. The scenery in the northeast is the most spectacular. The seven-month snow period in Xue Xiang fulfills people's longing for Xue Xiang. The smoke curls up, the gongs and drums are loud, the hanging red lanterns illuminate the night, the locals in red and green robes dance the most enthusiastic Northeast Yangko on the Snow Rhyme Street, and the fragrance of "Sour Cabbage Dumplings" drifts from every household. This is the scene that should be in the new year.