21℃ Cooling sensation! More beautiful than Zhangjiajie, Beijing's top 5 summer resorts, only 1 hour by car

They say that air conditioning gives life to summer, and there is really nowhere to go on weekends except at home? Don't worry! Pig Kakaka has already made arrangements for you! Are you sure you don't want to come and take a look at these 5 summer resorts near Beijing with an average temperature of 21°C?

Wild Duck Lake National Wetland Park

The wetland park, known as the "kidney of the earth" in Beijing, is located in Kangzhuang Town in the western part of Yanqing. It is the only wetland bird nature reserve in Beijing and one of the important bird habitats in the Beijing and even the North China region. In summer, you can see vast areas of reed, lotus flowers, and tranquil water, like a fairyland on the lake, with a unique charm. During the migration season, many migratory birds can be seen stopping here, with a total of 264 bird species, which is why it is known as Wild Duck Lake.

Mount Baishi

Baishi Mountain is located in Baishikou Village, Xiayin County, Baoding City. It is only a 3-hour drive from Beijing. With its natural coolness of 21℃ throughout the year, it has become one of the popular summer resorts near Beijing. Baishi Mountain has a wide variety of plant species, dense vegetation, and a forest area of 28,000 mu. Not only can you see the unique landscape of the Dali limestone peaks, but it is also a natural oxygen bar with an abundance of negative oxygen ions!

Baili Landscape Gallery Scenic Area

The Hundred Li Landscape Gallery is located in Qianjiadian Town, northeast of Yanqing. It was once rated as the top 10 self-driving routes in Beijing. It is named "Hundred Li Landscape Gallery" because it involves 112 li of the Binhe Ring Road. It is also known as the "Little Jiuzhaigou" around Beijing. In spring, flowers bloom. In summer, it is a real cool place and a green oxygen bar. In autumn, it presents a golden scenery, pleasing to the eye and picturesque.
Cuandixia Village is located in Mentougou District, Beijing, about 100 kilometers from the city center. It takes about 2.5 hours to drive to reach, suitable for exploring and visiting ancient sites, experiencing the cultural atmosphere of the ancient village. Cuandixia Village has a simple and unpolluted environment, so the sky is very clear and great for capturing beautiful photos. The village has a history of over 400 years and preserves 500 courtyard houses from the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was also the filming location for the first season of the TV show "Dad, Where Are We Going?".

Fangshan Hongjing Road

Fangshan Hongjing Road is a popular road in the outskirts of Beijing. It takes about 3 hours by car from downtown Beijing. It is a relatively niche spot for taking photos and is sure to make your friends jealous. It is known as the "Mount Akina" of Beijing's surrounding areas because of its 18 turns. The scenery here is spectacular, with both steep cliffs and beautiful views, attracting many cycling and photography enthusiasts. The observation platform at the top of the mountain is over 1000 meters above sea level, where you can overlook the beautiful scenery of the entire valley and feel refreshed. There is a small graffiti area next to the platform where many people like to take photos, but please remember to stay safe!