A must for fitness and leisure in Guangzhou

List of must-visit fitness and leisure places in Guangzhou, including fat reduction, body shaping, strength training, and rehabilitation training, etc. One-on-one training allows for more communication and interaction between students and coaches, achieving twice the result with half the effort.

Two High Performance

After completing the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Contemporary Dance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, He Qiwo started working as an independent artist in Guangzhou, focusing on theater creation.


DW GYM stands for Dream Weaver Gym, it is a private fitness studio specifically designed to cater to individual fitness needs, providing a dedicated space for one-on-one personal training.

DW GYM Taikoo Warehouse 2 Store

DreamWeaver is located near the Pearl River, allowing you to relax outdoors or breathe in the natural air after your fitness session.

Dreambow Field Archery Club

Menggong Field is located in Osaka Warehouse, so the venue is very spacious. The venue has a professional coaching team, starting from the basics of shooting, teaching stance, arm and hand gestures, and providing guidance on precautions.

Lightning Fitness Personal Training Studio

In the industrial-style gym, checking in has become another trend indicator in the fashion industry. FLASH FITNESS not only meets your aesthetic requirements for the gym but also provides professional personal training.

DW GYM Tianhe Branch 5

DW is a popular one-on-one private fitness studio. Like other private studios, there are no annual fees and it offers highly sought-after one-on-one courses for prenatal, postnatal, and sports injury rehabilitation.

DW GYM Taoyuan Six Branch

DW Fitness Studio breaks through the traditional concept of fitness, making mundane exercise training practical and fun. Despite its small size, it is well-equipped and has professional fitness trainers to guide you. Before you start exercising, your body will be assessed specifically, and a personalized exercise program will be customized based on your results. One-on-one professional guidance enhances the effectiveness of training significantly.