Phuket Muay Thai competition

Muay Thai uses eight body parts, including fists, elbows, knees, and feet, as weapons for combat and competition, known as the "eight-limbed science" or "art of eight limbs". Experience an exciting and thrilling Muay Thai match now!

Republic muay Thai

"The largest boxing gym in Phuket endorsed by Thai Hall of Famer and boxing champion Khaosai Galaxy."

Phuket tiger muay Thai

Customer experience is emphasized, our Thai Boxing gym offers a variety of classes in one day including Thai Boxing, boxing, wrestling, jujitsu, kickboxing, yoga, cross fit, and other programs.

Phuket SINBI Thai boxing house

The training and life of integrating professional Muay Thai mainly focuses on learning Muay Thai. The three top Muay Thai fighters, Kaew, Sangchai, and Nong-O Sit Or, are the top kings in the Thai Muay Thai world! The reason why it attracts many Muay Thai enthusiasts to learn is its professionalism, passionate and fun training atmosphere. SINBI coach has very rich teaching experience, language is not a problem at all, allowing you to immediately enter a professional learning state.