Eight exquisite art museums in Shenzhen

Neither do you have to wait in line under the wind and sun, nor do you have to spend money on plane tickets and tire yourself out. Even children at home can be exposed to world-class art from an early age.

Crane Lake New Residence (Longgang Hakka Folk Museum)

Hehu New Residence embodies the Hakka style accumulated over thousands of years, and carries the profound Hakka culture. The interior decoration of Hehu New Residence exudes a strong local cultural flavor. Shenzhen has been known as a gathering place for Hakka people, and the Hakka culture has long influenced the local people's customs and way of life. To this day, the Hakka traditions continue to thrive, making Hakka culture a true "local culture". Hehu New Residence can be said to be the largest in scale in China, inheriting the traditional Hakka culture.
The focus of Guanshan Yue Art Museum is not on the exhibits inside. For a student who loves architectural design, the building's form is eye-catching, with sharp geometric shapes, large glass curtain walls, and interweaving massing. It is one of the architectural works that architectural students should collect.

Design Internet

The first museum in China focused on design, V&A Gallery, is in collaboration with the V&A Museum in the UK and showcases the value of design to visitors. The Dimension of Digital Exhibition also demonstrates the impact of digitization on design. Definitely worth a visit!

Hua Art Museum

Shenzhen Art Museum is an art exhibition institution that provides comprehensive services for professional artists, the general public, and art enthusiasts in Shenzhen. It promotes artistic exchanges both domestically and internationally through various activities as a "cultural window" of the special economic zone. The museum focuses on contemporary urban art and local art, contributes to the development of urban art in China and local art in Shenzhen, and has established a favorable image for itself. Its collection is highly admired by tourists, making it a popular attraction. Additionally, the museum frequently holds exhibitions, playing a key role in connecting mainland China with Hong Kong and Macau in terms of cultural exchange.

Sun Mountain Art Center

In the lobby on the first floor, there is an old wall that has been preserved for a hundred years. This wall is part of the local Hakka architecture and has now become the highlight of the Sun Mountain Art Center. On one side of the front courtyard is a "7"-shaped coffee lounge, with artworks by Mr. Chen Qiuzhi hanging on the corridor wall.

Museum of Chinese Heroes and Calligraphy Treasure Garden

It is like a museum of calligraphy or painting, with many art works. You can visit and learn about the style of Cantonese calligraphers. There are also some small shops in the courtyard where you can choose some small gifts to bring back to relatives and friends as gifts. You can also take a leisurely walk in the courtyard.

Farmer's Paintings Museum

Shenzhen Farmers' Painting Museum is a worthwhile attraction to visit.