The 8 must-visit attractions and itinerary planning in Kunming

Kunming, a city covered by a pale yellow sunset, lies in the plain surrounded by mountains, seemingly wearing a lonely smile.

The scenery of Yunda is beautiful, Huize Courtyard, Yingqiu Courtyard and other attractions are worth a visit, especially the famous Ginkgo Avenue, which is one of the most beautiful scenery in Yunda campus. After entering the campus from the south gate, there are 95 steps, implying the meaning of 'the respect of 95'. Behind the Huize Courtyard is the Zhigong Hall, which is a typical Chinese-style building with large red pillars and carved beams and painted rafters. It is currently the grand auditorium of Yunda. On the east side, there is a row of relatively low houses, which were the examination rooms during the imperial examination period, known as the 'Gongyuan'.

stone forest

Yizu settlement, the hometown of Ashima, not only has the unique karst geological landscape, but also has the romantic love story culture of the Sani people. Here is the most famous Torch Festival, which falls on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month; in the summer, there is also the annual Bull King Competition, and the most famous one is the "Qingtianzhu" Bull King in Shilin. In Shilin, men are generally called Aheige, and women are called Ashima. Shilin has a step-by-step experience, without the need to deliberately pursue angles or add filters, nature has already given this land its most primitive appearance. Sometimes there is an immersive feeling of "being in this stone", and sometimes there is a bystander feeling of watching the passage of time. Step by step, as I delve deeper, my sweat trickles down, but my heart becomes more and more peaceful. It is often cooler as we walk, and when I look up, I find myself walking into a "narrow passage", which reminds me of the narrow alley that I used to chase with my friends when I was young.

Dianchi Lake

The scenery of Dianchi Lake is beautiful, it is a national tourist resort in China, and it is the largest freshwater lake in Yunnan. It is adjacent to Daguan Park, and across the water from Xishan Forest Park and Yunnan Ethnic Village. You can take a leisurely walk along the east bank of the lake, or take a boat tour. In winter, you can feed the red-billed seagulls. You can also visit the Yunnan Ethnic Village and experience the customs of the various ethnic groups in Yunnan Province. In winter, there are many seagulls here, and various cookies and bread for feeding seagulls are sold by the lake. If you like these flying little elves, you can also buy some to feed them.

Jiuxiang Yi Hui Township

Located in Jiuxiang Yi and Hui Autonomous Township, Yiliang County, Yunnan Province, it is a scenic spot mainly consisting of karst caves and is a national key scenic spot. There is a saying in Yunnan that is widely circulated: "Look at the Stone Forest above ground, and explore Jiuxiang underground." Jiuxiang Scenic Area is located in Jiuxiang Yi and Hui Autonomous Township, Yiliang County, 90 kilometers away from Kunming. The scenic area is densely forested and rich in flora and fauna resources, featuring magnificent mountains and valleys as well as stunning underground caves, making it a typical karst landform landscape. The famous Lion Hall has a total area of over 15,000 square meters, with a huge rock at the top of the cave unsupported, which can be called a miracle. The scene in the movie "The Myth" where Jackie Chan and Kim Hee-sun fly around in a tomb was filmed here.
Guandu Town is one of the famous historical and cultural ancient towns in Kunming. It was already a prosperous commercial and handicraft center during the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the Tang Dynasty, it was the ideal place for the nobles and aristocrats of the Dali Kingdom to visit Dianchi Lake. The ancient town is rich in cultural landscapes and has five mountains, six temples, seven pavilions, and eight temples. There are various lively shops. The most eye-catching is the diamond throne pagoda in front of Miaozhan Temple, known as the "first temple among the six temples." The specialty food is Guandu Baba, called "Maiba Baba" by the locals. The most famous is the glasses Baba on Jingang Tower Commercial Street, which sells the best with sesame and peanut fillings.
The Yunnan Ethnic Village mainly consists of natural village-style residential buildings, integrating garden landscape and beautiful water and green trees. There are 25 ethnic villages in the park, including Dai, Bai, Yi, and Jingpo ethnic groups, each with different folk customs and craft performances. Among them, the Dai village and Yi village are the most worth seeing, and the village also has Yi-specific adobe buildings, roasted liquor workshops, cultural buildings, etc. During ethnic festivals such as the Water-Splashing Festival and the Torch Festival, lively celebrations will be held in the scenic area. It is recommended to visit during these periods.

Dongchuan Red Land

Located in the northeast of Kunming, due to the high content of iron and aluminum in the soil, it forms a dazzling color. It is considered the most magnificent red land in the world, second only to Brazil. From a distance, it is colorful and is a photographer's paradise. The scenic spots are relatively scattered, forming three main viewing routes: the northwest route, the northeast route, and the southern route. The most convenient way to visit is to rent a car. The best time to visit the red land is from April to May when the wheat is ripe, from September to December when the rapeseed flowers are in full bloom, and from February to March when there is occasional remaining snow in the fields.

Yunnan Cuihu Park

Once a bay in Dianchi Lake, it became a clear lake due to the decline in water level. It is one of the most beautiful parks in the city and is known as the "beautiful jade in the city". Ruantai and Tangti divide Cuilake into five scenic areas. The park also has other attractions such as Jingwutang that can be visited. Every winter, thousands of northern red-billed seagulls fly to Cuilake, playing and fighting for food, adding infinite charm to the lake.