6 hidden ancient towns and villages in Hunan

The hidden ancient towns and villages with unique characteristics, which have not been touched by modern urbanization and are not crowded with tourists, only have a peaceful atmosphere that makes people unconsciously want to get closer. Below, I will introduce six hidden ancient towns and villages in Hunan.

Jing Gang Ancient Town

Wang Han once said that he wants to retire here in the future. In addition to Orange Island, Changsha also has this land of fish and rice. When you are scratching your head about the crowded Fenghuang Ancient Town, little do you know that this peaceful Jinggang Ancient Town is quietly preserving its originality.

Shanggan Tang Ancient Village

As an ancient Han village with a history of 1200 years, there are still over 200 ancient houses from the Ming and Qing dynasties preserved in the village. The architectural layout, surrounded by mountains and water, resembles a natural landscape painting. It is the oldest thousand-year-old ancient village discovered in Hunan Province so far.

Shangbao ancient country

Here is a hidden palace in the depths of the mountains. This is an ancient village that once caused two emperors to toss and turn in their sleep. Shangbao is an ancient village, with an elevation of 800-1700 meters, surrounded by mountains and water. The surrounding areas of Shangbao are layered terraces, with two small streams flowing through the village, giving it a surreal feel amidst the mist and clouds. In the pastoral fields, there are farmers working the land everywhere, and the most primitive farming methods leave behind a unique taste.

Tongdao Ancient Town

Hunan's Shangri-La. This 50-kilometer cultural corridor offers Dong ethnic song and dance performances. The southern end of Huaihua is a pathway with ancient, quaint folk customs and the continuous Danxia Mount. The pathway is mainly inhabited by the Dong ethnic group, with talented singers and dancers, well-preserved ancient Dong architecture, and a unique and vibrant Dong culture, making it well worth a visit. The 50-kilometer "Hundred Miles Dong Cultural Corridor" is like opening a beautiful picture of the harmonious integration of heaven and man, showcasing the beauty of Chinese Dong ethnic culture at every turn, full of surprises, and can be said to be the "Riverside Scene at the Pure Brightness Festival" of China's Dong villages.
Xiangxi Mingzhu, China's first ancient commercial city. It originated from the Hongjiang Ancient Commercial City in the Spring and Autumn period. It showcases the essence of ancient residences in the Jiangnan region and is a living version of the "Qingming Riverside Scene". It is known as the "pearl on the maritime Silk Road in southwest China" and a "living fossil of China's budding capitalistic era". You can see the panoramic view of the market in the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republican era here, just like a live version of the "Qingming Riverside Scene".
The transportation is like a network, mysteriously resembling a maze. One of the top ten ancient villages in China, it is a hidden paradise. In the misty morning, a small mountain village surrounded by greenery. With its blue-tiled white-walled sloping roofs, a clear small river flows in front of the village. After winding through the mountain road, crossing several mountains and ridges, one finally arrives at this ancient village hidden deep in the mountains. The roads between the villages crisscross like a web, giving the impression of entering a maze.