The world's highest tides and endless adventures in Fundy Bay

Fundy Bay experiences two high tides and two low tides every day, with a tidal flow of up to 60 billion tons of seawater, making it the highest tides in the world. This oceanic wonder offers many thrilling adventures, from jet boating to white water rafting, making it a true playground.

Hopewell Rock

There is no better place than Hopewell Rocks to appreciate this magnificent scenery, with its unique rock formations formed over thousands of years of tidal erosion. In the early morning, you can kayak around the sandstone, and just 6 hours later, you can search for rare rocks and fossils on the damp ground of the same area, with the sandstone now towering 52 feet above your head. Hopewell Rocks also boast two soft beaches, perfect for sunbathing, or you can explore the winding trails, or enjoy the view and indulge in delicious food at the restaurants along the bay.

Angry corner

If whale watching is not exciting enough for you, you can visit Cape Enrage, put on your gear, and zip line across the Fundy Bay, feeling the salty sea breeze brush through your hair. After the zip lining adventure, descend 140 feet down the cliff to reach the rocky seabed below.

Ilha de Campobello

Visit Roosevelt Campobello International Park on Campobello Island.

Peninsula Malaysia

Explore the rugged coastline of Grand Manan Island.