How is the transportation in France? I am not familiar with foreign transportation. Can someone who is good at it share some experience with me? I want to take my girlfriend to drive around France, and I am a bit worried that I won't be able to drive. Are they all right-hand drive ?

2 Answers

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Personal experience summary needs attention: 1. Be sure to use navigation. The road to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is complex, with many entrances and exits. The car rental parking lot is on the lowest level, so navigation is necessary for newcomers. I saw many locals renting cars with navigation. 2. Over 90% of cars in Europe are manual transmission, so friends who are only familiar with automatic transmission in China must be proficient in manual transmission beforehand. 3. In Europe, most intersections are in the form of roundabouts, some with traffic lights and some without. At places without traffic lights, when entering the roundabout, you must look left to see if there are cars inside. If there are, even if they are a few meters away, you cannot enter until the roundabout is completely clear. Otherwise, people will honk at you. We all know that Europeans rarely honk, even if your car is blocking their way, they will silently wait behind you. 4. In Europe, cars yield to pedestrians. Even if you are facing a green light, let pedestrians cross the road first, and they will nod to thank you. As long as you pay attention to these points, driving in Europe is much easier than driving in China.

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Most European countries are like us, left-hand drive vehicles, driving on the right side of the road, overtaking must be done from the left, and return to the right lane as soon as possible after overtaking. Most intersections are roundabouts without traffic lights, remember not to enter the roundabout when there are cars inside, wait for the cars inside the roundabout to exit before entering. Also, the Swiss people are all like living Lei Feng, if you need help, they will be very willing, sometimes they will even ask you if you need help, it's so touching that I can't help but cry...