First time using GPS. I'm in Lyon, France, and using gs to get to a small town in France is 1300 kilometers away, but in reality it's only 178 kilometers away. What should I do? How do I solve this problem? I'm in Lyon, France and want to drive to Annecy, but when I use GPS to search, it shows that it's more than 1300 kilometers away, but in reality it should only be 170 kilometers away. Is there something wrong with the settings ?

2 Answers

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I just helped the owner to check,!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x47f4ea516ae88797:0x408ab2ae4bb21f0!2m2!1d4.835659!2d45.764043!1m5!1m1!1s0x478b8ffa1c0551c9:0x42781681620534ba!2m2!1d6.129384!2d45.899247. It's about 150 kilometers. Did you enter the wrong coordinates?

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If you're not sure, you can double check with Google Maps. I've rented a car abroad before and used both methods.