Thank you! Where can I see the traffic rules in the United States? I want to learn about them ?

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After renting a car, if you have good driving habits, it's actually quite simple. Pay attention to a few things: on the highway, stay in the right lane as much as possible, don't overtake frequently, use the horn sparingly, give way to school buses, and be aware that speed limits are strictly enforced in school zones. When merging onto a ramp with traffic lights, it's one car per light. You can follow others if they are speeding, but don't lead the pack in speeding. In the city, always come to a complete stop at stop signs before proceeding, give way to vehicles with the right of way, and yield to pedestrians. When parking, make sure to park neatly and not take up extra space. As for parking fees, most places have a meter where you can pay with a card. Some parking lots have an ATM-like machine for payment, so estimate your time and pay in advance, then place the receipt on the dashboard. Also, be aware that many roadside parking spaces have time limits (such as half a day or a full day), so be sure to check before parking. Have a pleasant journey!