Road trip in Thailand, what do I need to pay special attention to? I only know that Thailand is a country where vehicles drive on the right side of the road ?

11 Answers

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Thais drive more civilly (much more civilly than in our country), with similar rules for giving way to people and following traffic regulations as in the United States.

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I encountered a problem in Thailand, which is to pick up the car. Because there are two airports in Bangkok, if you are taking a budget airline, there are no rental car company staff on duty late at night to early morning at that airport, but there are at the international airport. If you arrive late at night, you have to take a taxi to the international airport to pick up the car, which will cost about 500 baht.

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I encountered a problem in Thailand, which is to pick up the car. Because there are two airports in Bangkok, Thailand, if you are taking a budget airline, there are no car rental company staff on duty late at night to early morning at that airport, but there are at the international airport. If you arrive late at night, you have to take a taxi to the international airport to pick up the car, and the taxi will cost about 500 baht.

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When driving abroad, people who can drive in China can adapt to driving on the left side without any problems. Please drive politely, give way to others, and do not litter or damage the good road environment.

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Driving in Thailand is very convenient, the road conditions are good, and the security situation is also good. The fuel prices are cheap, and there are basically no road tolls.

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The roads in Thailand are very narrow, the road conditions are not very good, and there are many uneven and steep roads. Pay attention.

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Just drove back, a lot of experience, rented a car from sixt, had a car accident in Thailand, luckily both parties were okay, just the cars were damaged, at that time the phone couldn't get through in the mountains, the people around, including the police, couldn't speak English, luckily a kind local helped me make a call, the rental company came quickly, brought a new car, and told me that as long as I paid 400 baht for the towing fee, I could leave, SIXT is really reliable. Also, I booked the smallest Honda Brio but was given a Fengfan, and after the accident, they just gave me a Corolla.

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Mid-Autumn Night

The road along Phuket is hilly and narrow, and those with poor driving skills should proceed with caution.

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Thai people drive very politely and in a very standardized manner. You never hear a horn honking. There are plenty of parking spaces at tourist attractions, and gas stations are scattered everywhere. Sometimes there are several gas stations within a kilometer, so refueling is never a problem, even in remote mountainous areas.

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Keep left, speed limit in the city is 90, similar to the domestic, not much difference.

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In Thailand, it is best to rent a large SUV as the road conditions are poor and many areas do not have highways.