How to wash a car in France, I want to wash the car before returning it ?

4 Answers

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Some large gas stations have a wash, but most car rental companies in France do not require washing the car when returning it.

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There is an automatic car wash at the gas station, 5 euros. After buying the ticket, enter the number on the ticket when you go into the car wash room. The door will open, drive the car in, and you don't need to get off. The door will open automatically after the washing is done, drive the car out and leave.

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Total gas stations usually have car wash facilities. Some have fully automatic car wash machines, which cost 6-10 euros, while others have manual car wash facilities where you can insert coins and wash the car yourself with a spray gun for around 2 euros for 3 minutes. However, if your car is not very dirty, you may not need to wash it. Just make sure not to make the inside of the car too dirty.

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Try calling the taxi company and ask, or ask at the gas station I washed the car, filled up the oil, and returned it. There are a lot of sands on Nanshan Road.